Erasmus+ 28. september TPK
Teisipäev, 25. september
8:00 – 8:45 Esimene tund õpilased on tunnis koos külalitega.
9:00 – 9:30 Tervitus kooli aulas.
10:00 – 11:30 Tutvumine kooli ja ümbrusega. Tundide külastus. Õpilastele tutvumisülesanded rühmades.
12:00 Külaskäik Türi Vallavalitsusse.
16:00 – 18:00 Wittensteini Ajakeskuse külastus.
Kolmapäev, 26. september
10:00 Põltsamaa Felix toidutööstuse külastus.
11:00 Põltsamaa lossi ja toidunäituse külastus
15:00 Hüpassaare raba külastus
Neljapäev, 27. september
08:00 Õpilased on tunnis koos külalisega.
08:55 Õpilased on tunnis koos külalisega.
09:50 Õpilased valmistuvad rahvusvaheliseks toidulaadaks, kus iga riik müüb kaasatoodud küpsetisi.
10:35 Küpsetiste müük suure maja fuajees.
10:50 Õpilased valmistuvad toidulaadaks väikeses majas.
11:35 Küpsetiste müük algklasside majas.
11:55 Võimalus külastada tunde.
13:30-14:15 Õpilastele martsipani töötuba klassis nr 45
14:30 Õpetajatele ringkäik martsipani töökojas Säreveres.
15:00 Eesti Ringhäälingumuuseumi külastus, uudistesaade.
Reede, 28. september
9:19 Rongiga Tallinnasse. Giidiga ringkäik Tallinna vanalinnas.
Laupäev, 29. september
Õpilased veedavad päeva peredega.
Tuesday 25th September
7:55 Public bus from Paide to Türi. Teachers get to school. Meeting point is class 45. Estonian team will meet you at the main entrance.
8:00 – 8:45 First lesson at school for students.
9:00 – 9:30 Welcome event in the school assembly hall.
9:40 – 9:50 A break for students and teachers.Coffee for teachers.
10:00 – 11:30 Tour around our school houses and visiting lessons for teachers. Get to know activities for students.
12:00 Visit to the town hall.
13:00 Lunch at school.
13:35 Free time for everybody.
Children spend it with host students, teachers take the bus to Paide.
Host students make sure that Erasmus kids get to Paide by 15:50.
16:00 – 18:00 Visiting Wittenstein Time Centre in Paide where the history of Estonia is displayed in a historical fortress tower.
Wednesday, 26th September
09:00 Trip to Põltsamaa, a town 50 km from Türi. Students come to school with their host students.
10:00 Visit a food and beverage company and a food muuseum.
Thursday, 27th September
08:00 - 08:30 Students at school with their hosts.
08:55 Students are in classes with their hosts. Teachers can visit lessons.
09:50 Students prepare for the market at the big school house. Teachers can have a project meeting or help students.
10:35 A food market at the big school house.
10:50 Prepare the market at the small school house.
11:35 Food selling for elementary students.
11:55 Clean up and free time or possibility to visit lessons or time for teachers to continue the meeting.
13:30-14:15 Marzipan workshop for students at school
14:30 Marzipan workshop for students at school
Teachers get to the marzipan factory by 14:30
A short tour in the marzipan factory.
15:00 Visit to the Broadcast Museum in Türi where we make the news about the visit to Estonia and/or about the products we sold. A very short commercial etc. Each country prepares a piece of news.
Host students take Erasmus kids to the museum.
Friday, the 28th September
9:19 A train to Tallinn for Erasmus students and teachers.
11:00-15:00 A guided day in Tallinn.
Saturday, 29th September
Students spend a day with families.
A trip to Pärnu for teachers
Teisipäev, 25. september
8:00 – 8:45 Esimene tund õpilased on tunnis koos külalitega.
9:00 – 9:30 Tervitus kooli aulas.
10:00 – 11:30 Tutvumine kooli ja ümbrusega. Tundide külastus. Õpilastele tutvumisülesanded rühmades.
12:00 Külaskäik Türi Vallavalitsusse.
16:00 – 18:00 Wittensteini Ajakeskuse külastus.
Kolmapäev, 26. september
10:00 Põltsamaa Felix toidutööstuse külastus.
11:00 Põltsamaa lossi ja toidunäituse külastus
15:00 Hüpassaare raba külastus
Neljapäev, 27. september
08:00 Õpilased on tunnis koos külalisega.
08:55 Õpilased on tunnis koos külalisega.
09:50 Õpilased valmistuvad rahvusvaheliseks toidulaadaks, kus iga riik müüb kaasatoodud küpsetisi.
10:35 Küpsetiste müük suure maja fuajees.
10:50 Õpilased valmistuvad toidulaadaks väikeses majas.
11:35 Küpsetiste müük algklasside majas.
11:55 Võimalus külastada tunde.
13:30-14:15 Õpilastele martsipani töötuba klassis nr 45
14:30 Õpetajatele ringkäik martsipani töökojas Säreveres.
15:00 Eesti Ringhäälingumuuseumi külastus, uudistesaade.
Reede, 28. september
9:19 Rongiga Tallinnasse. Giidiga ringkäik Tallinna vanalinnas.
Laupäev, 29. september
Õpilased veedavad päeva peredega.
Tuesday 25th September
7:55 Public bus from Paide to Türi. Teachers get to school. Meeting point is class 45. Estonian team will meet you at the main entrance.
8:00 – 8:45 First lesson at school for students.
9:00 – 9:30 Welcome event in the school assembly hall.
9:40 – 9:50 A break for students and teachers.Coffee for teachers.
10:00 – 11:30 Tour around our school houses and visiting lessons for teachers. Get to know activities for students.
12:00 Visit to the town hall.
13:00 Lunch at school.
13:35 Free time for everybody.
Children spend it with host students, teachers take the bus to Paide.
Host students make sure that Erasmus kids get to Paide by 15:50.
16:00 – 18:00 Visiting Wittenstein Time Centre in Paide where the history of Estonia is displayed in a historical fortress tower.
Wednesday, 26th September
09:00 Trip to Põltsamaa, a town 50 km from Türi. Students come to school with their host students.
10:00 Visit a food and beverage company and a food muuseum.
Thursday, 27th September
08:00 - 08:30 Students at school with their hosts.
08:55 Students are in classes with their hosts. Teachers can visit lessons.
09:50 Students prepare for the market at the big school house. Teachers can have a project meeting or help students.
10:35 A food market at the big school house.
10:50 Prepare the market at the small school house.
11:35 Food selling for elementary students.
11:55 Clean up and free time or possibility to visit lessons or time for teachers to continue the meeting.
13:30-14:15 Marzipan workshop for students at school
14:30 Marzipan workshop for students at school
Teachers get to the marzipan factory by 14:30
A short tour in the marzipan factory.
15:00 Visit to the Broadcast Museum in Türi where we make the news about the visit to Estonia and/or about the products we sold. A very short commercial etc. Each country prepares a piece of news.
Host students take Erasmus kids to the museum.
Friday, the 28th September
9:19 A train to Tallinn for Erasmus students and teachers.
11:00-15:00 A guided day in Tallinn.
Saturday, 29th September
Students spend a day with families.
A trip to Pärnu for teachers